The Adult Mental Health Services Program is part of Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency's Mental Health and Substance Abuse Division. We provide supportive services to transition age youth(18-25), adults (25-60) and older adults(over 60) in need of mental health treatment. The needs of people served are diverse and often complex requiring a broad continuum of care from outpatient assessment to inpatient hospitalization, with a strong focus on community based psychosocial rehabilitation.
Our services are targeted to individuals with serious and persistent mental illnesses. In addition Adult Mental Health authorizes and oversees the provision of mental health services to Santa Cruz County Medi-Cal recipients meeting medical necessity criteria as well as those at risk of psychiatric hospitalization.
We are comprised of a mixture of services provided directly by County Mental Health. Services are provided in collaboration with community based organizations that contract with the county, and services provided solely by the contract agencies. All services are based on primary goals of promoting recovery, resilience and improved quality of life for people affected by serious mental illness.
Services Provided by County Adult Mental Health
- Access and Assessment
- Coordinated Care Treatment Teams
- Downtown Outreach Worker
- Forensic and Jail Treatment
- Individual & Group Therapy
- Medication Management
- Prevention & Early Intervention Services
- Public Guardian
Services Provided by Community Based Organizations
- Dual Diagnosis Treatment
- Money Management
- Peer Support and Counseling
- Residential Rehabilitation
- Self-Help Programs
- SubAcute Residential Treatment
- Supportive Employment Services
- Supportive Housing
- Wellness Centers